Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Transport Request – How to handle SAP Customization Request

You just started your SAP Training and you are trying to do your first customization request in the system, the system will prompt you with a Customization Request as shown below.

How do you get past this screen ? What is a Customizing Request ? Simply put, a customization request is SAP’s way of saying
You are modifying the SAP system. Please specify the number to record it under.
You can create your own Customizing Request number or choose from an existing Customizing Request Number.  Since you just started off, create your own Customization request by clicking on the “new’ button.

A new window opens up where you can provide a description of the change. Give a human-readable ‘short- description’ so that you/somebody else can read it later and identify the actual change and click on the save button in the bottom.

A unique ‘Change Request’ or ‘Customizing Request’ will be created by SAP as shown below.Click on OK button ( Green check mark )

This will record the change you have done in the customizing request and your change is saved.
If you want to understand a Transport Request at a much finer level of detail, visit SAP Transport Request

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to find out who are all having access to a particular tcode in SAP system?

This article answers the following queries

  • How to find out who are all having access to a particular tcode in SAP system?
  •   How to find out which user ids are having access to a transaction in SAP system?
  •  How to use SUIM tcode to identify users having access to a particular transaction in SAP system?

In some real time scenarios, if there is an emergency like, a change to a table to be done but particular end user does not have access to change the tables.  Then they may approach basis administrator/security (authorization) consultant to identify those users who are having that access so that they can request them to change the same in case of emergencies. So, you should be able to identify those users and confirm to business users.
In general, basis/authorization consultant should be able to identify all user ids who are having access to a particular tcode. This can be done in the following way.
In this example, am demonstrating how to identify all the users who are having access to SE16 in a given SAP system.
Login to the SAP system and go to transaction SUIM as shown below:

In the above screen, please navigate to user -> users by complex selection criteria -> By Transaction Authorizations (This is highlighted in the). Select that and click F8 or clock symbol (highlighted) to execute. This results in the next screen as below:

In the above screen, type any transaction code, which you would like to find who are all the users having access for the same. In our example, it is SE16.
Once you input transaction code, click on highlighted clock button, which results in the following screen which displays the list of users who are having access for SE16 in this SAP system.